As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Monday 10 May 2010

Promotional Poster (UPDATED)

So my final cut is finished and so is my evaluation but i have forgot about the most important part of the project, the Promotional Poster.

I have looked at many exmaples of Rom com promotional posters and i have noticed one thing that stays the same across the board. And that is that the promotional posters tend to be able do what they want As long as it contains the main character/character's.

Here are two examples (i am mainly looking at teen rom com posters because thats what i am doing)

Another point that i have picked up on is that alot of the teen rom com posters that i have look at have a cartoony theme. I plan to use this idea on my poster. Also the posters always have the title of the film and in some cases a caption and in some other cases comments from critics or magazines.

My idea will use the cartoony idea as well as include an image of both the male and female leading characters. I am then going to use a title heading in a speech bubble so its similar to the title in my film (and this could hopefully become a house style for other promotional pieces for the film) and a made up comment from a newspaper.

The file is a A3 page size

Friday 7 May 2010

Directors Commentary

audio commentary is an additional audio track consisting of a lecture or comments by one or more speakers, that plays in real time with video. Commentaries can be serious or entertaining in nature, and can add information which otherwise would not be disclosed to audience members.

A directors commentary is when the directors on his own or with other members of the production team or cast will talk about the film or particular films in real time with the film playing. 
The below information is taken from wikipedia
  • Typically a commentary track will include feature-length commentary from the film's director, cast members, or occasionally writers and producers
  • Occasionally actors will perform commentary in-character
  • some DVDs include outsider commentary performed by film critics, historians, scholars or fans
  • Some DVDs feature commentaries with on-screen video enhancements, such as telestrator prompts
  • where one of the subtitle tracks is used to add silhouettes of the speakers in a manner where they seem to be in a theater commenting on the movie as it was screened for them in the style of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
This is a example of a part of a audio commentary from a film.

This is my commentary, recorded with just me talking about my final piece as it plays.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Summer Submission Final Cut with comments

So after a long time of filming and editing this is my final cut.

They are a few small problems with my final cut but its now too late to change them, one is that my audio cuts out right at the end, by about half a second which isn't too much of a problem but its quite bad that after all the editing it did that.

Here are some of the comments i have had so far on facebook and youtube from it.