As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Friday 12 February 2010

Initial ideas on Film Openings Plus Initial pitch, Initial Concept, The Group.

1. Psychological drama - Boy moves back to village where his parents were killed in a unsolved case. The boy then starts seeing things that make's him almost kill himself.
 - This will use a lot of  special  effects and editing.
 - Use very erie sounds to put across the theme and quiet song in background, slow piano.
 - I am thinking of the 15 BBFC rating because the film won't contain gore, nudity and that. but does have themes of horror.
2. Slasher - A escaped youth offender who was bullied at school hunts down and attacks all the people who bullied him before. In the opening the offender follows one of his victims to a party and murders the person outside the house.
 - 18 age rating due to gore, horror. Adult themes. Teenage actors so will have normal teenage things and costumes.
3. Cop thriller - The son of a police officer who was killed on the job, tracks down the murderer which ends in a bloody confrontation  in the end of the opening.
 - Will be very hard to pull off due to mise en scene. Can't get a gun. or a police car.

The Progression of my Main idea (1)

Back in december i started to think up an idea for my media coursework and over time i steadily built on my idea through feedback and insipration from films and other sources.

December (Drama, Social realist?) - A troubled boy moved away from his home town to move in with his step dad who he doesn't get on with. The film is about his struggle to be accepted in a new place. For example a school where everyone acts the same, while he's different.
                       The opening would focus on him alone, possible include a companion who would be his dog. It be filmed in remote locations such as ilkley moor to show how isolated he is.

January (Pychological drama)- After watching films such as Fight Club, Seven and Requiem for a dream i decided to go down a much darker route in my film.

My Initial pitch

I kept to the whole idea of a boy whos different and seperated from everyone else. but that down to him having pychological problems. And also hes moving in with some foster parents because his parents were found dead (cause of death unknown). The boy keeps seeing something out of the corner of his eye but he never knows what. At the end of the opening this thing speaks to him and stops himself from killing himselve or trying too. The audience know that his mental problem is causing his to have visions of a figue that is himself. (this person will be portrayed as wearing normal jeans and trainers but to create a earie feel the character will never show his face and you will just see a black hood.

Current working progress idea - feb - Ive ditched the idea of making a drama hybrid after i did some research into the drama genre and its sub genres because i couldn't fit my story into any of the ideas.
                     From some feedback i came up with some ideas that could improve on the character progression in my opening. I am going to do a take that will focuss on the characters dead parents. I will show them either by using mise en scene (e.g a photo), flashbacks and maybe exposition.

I am also going to write down small ideas that i have thought of on here for future reference.
- The Background character (the main characters second half) will have a mask that will reference to a poster on the characters wall in his bedroom as it ment to reflect his mind.
- The character will be called frank. Reference to frank from donnie darko.

The Group

Due to a few problems, i am working on my own.
At the start of the problem i was very content on working on my idea. And due to being part of a small class. They wasn't much choice. Therefore two groups of two paired off. I wasn't a huge fan of either idea so i decided to work on my own.
   When the last person in my class came to school after being ill he had the choice to join me but in the end, he didn't. I believe working on my own will be good because i prefer having all the power over what i do in my film.

11/03/10 - After working for some time on my idea and changing the genre a few times i have decided that it wasn't my best choice working on my own and i now regret it. Though I'm not having any huge problem it would of been a lot easier to have another persons creative thought to help me.

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