As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Night Watch Opening

This is my presentation, I couldn't find the opening 4 minutes anywhere.

Callum Moreman Night Watch

Notes from other peoples presentations (some of the presentations didnt have key details.)

Love Actually- 2003- Richard Curtis
Nominated for 2 Golden Globes     Budget 30million
Distribution; Studio Canel and Universal studios
Producer; Working Title
-Very Mixed reviews, some of them are good and some very bad, Mainly directed at Richard Curtis though.
-Opening starts with a heavy romantic genre/theme.
The theme is multicultural and shows all sex's, age's and cultures. A negative point is it uses very heavy sterotypes.
- Women not used for male gaze in the opening.
- Opening is very emotional, Makes the audience feel good.
- Titles used to anchor that they is more then one love story in the film.

Gladiator - 2000- Ridley Scott
Dreamworks  Main Character Russel Crow
- Production logo changed colour to fit in with the setting of the film.
- Made 34.8million in the opening weekend in the US
- 3 Oscar Wins and 30more wins
- In the opening a variety of shots are used in the opening to show setting's, characters, and emotions in the movie.
- Diegetic sounds of background noises used heavily in the opening. Non diegetic humming musis could signify tension or depression.
- Aimed at a fairly young audiance due to volience and history.
-In the opening part that was shown the genre action is show though they isnt any action but a build up aswell as a history genre (set in roman times)
Fool's Gold (No director or production year)
- Budget 20million made 1 million in britian and around 13.5 in america (opening weekend?)
- Attractive actors/ Actresses to appeal to both sex's
- Exposition using narrative
- Anchorage in titles.
- Music changes when the themes in the opening change such as serious information then jolly music establishing shots and so on.
- Hybrid Genre: Adventure/ Romance

Matrix- 1999- Marchorti Brothers
- The directors didnt have any expirence directing and were also the writers of the story.
- budget of 63 million
- Action Thriller
- Production logo tweaked to fit story, Noise/Colour
- Whip zoom opening shot.
- Film was the start of the Spx Era
- Women countertype - Strong woman. Outlaw
- Targeted 16's to 35's
- C2DE Working class/Middle class       45% Female audience
- Made 16million UK $173 US $463 Worldwide
-Warner bro's Pictures
- Roadshow Entertainment
Production companies
- Grouchell film patnership
- Silver Pictures
- Village roadshow pictures
- Warner bros picture

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