As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Monday 8 February 2010

Prelim Task

This is my prelim task uploaded through youtube and embedded onto my blog.

Our preliminary task consisted of a 'Continuity task involving filming and editing character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot-reverse-shot and the 180 degree rule.'

Match On Action:

Match on action is when an action is shown, followed by the result of the action. For example, seeing a close up of a character's hand opening a door, followed by a shot of them coming through the door from the other side.


This is when a shot of a character's face is used, followed by a shot of another character, and back to the original character again. This is often used when two (or more) characters are having a conversation, to allow the audience to see the different expressions and reactions. It also breaks up long shots to keep the audience interested.

180 Degree Rule:

This incorporates the rule that if you are filming two characters you must stick to a particular side and not cross the line.
I decided just to do something very simplle as i could make the prelim very short and quick and shows the different shots very well.
We used a camera on a tripod to film most of the shots apart from a view which were off the tripod, Then used imovie to put the clips together.
Evaluation of prelim task;  
Overall i think i completed this task quickly and well. Ive had a lot of practise with the camera and the movie software so they didnt prove to be a problem in production. And because the short is all about showing my understanding of a view shot types, it didnt matter when it came to acting. The only thing that i could of improved on was the shot where the main character moves up to the door and if you notice his hand moves quite close to the door. On the next shot his hand is out of view then moves onto the door. But it could all be from the angle of the camera so i didnt change it in the end. Though if i had more time i would of done.

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