As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Monday, 3 January 2011

Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Teen Audience

The teen rom com genre tends to appeal to young audience from around 12-25, this is because of the teen issues such as relationships and school that a young audience can relate too, a older adult audience won't be able to relate to story and characters (As the characters will mainly all be teenagers) as much as a teen and in turn won't be able to engage with the story as much instead they watch a more adult oriented rom com such as Bridget Jones Diary (2001) which focuses on adult issues such as marriage and work. Some teen rom com's go into the cinema with a rating of 15 due to older themes which will stop a young audience from 12 to 14 from seeing the movie but i can imagine they will watch the movie once it is released onto DVD.
The audience for my media product won't be very varied, because it is a teen rom com based on UK teenage culture it will appeal to the 15-25 audience, though even know my film will include themes of drug taking, sexual activities and bad language I can imagine the audience could go as low as 12. Adults won't want to watch this film because of this. My film also contains teen culture music and fashion which won't appeal to the adult audience.
Teenage issue of underage drinking

The romantic side of the film appeals to females, while the comedy side appeals to male. This doesn’t mean though that males might not like the romantic side and visa versa. In my opening they are aspects of both genres therefore it should appeal to both genders. The use of an attractive busty female character also appeals to the males (male gaze theory). My film will also appeal more to a heterosexual audience due to my main characters all being heterosexuals. Though in my full film they would be a stereotypical homosexual character.

My film would also appeal to a multi ethnic audience, though it is not present in the opening because they is only 3 Caucasian actors. Because the film is set in and around school they will be plenty of characters from different ethnic backgrounds and this will help bring in a wider audience.

My film is intended to be easy to follow so the audience can relax and watch it so unlike other genres such as Psychological thrillers which draw in a more sophisticated, so it audience doesn't need to be particularly intelligent. Also because the setting of the film is in a working class to upper class setting (the town of Ilkley) the audience will most likely be under the NRS social grading BD. This means it will appeal to middle class and working class audience. The upper class is excluded from the NRS grading because currently only 2% of the population of the UK is classified as Upper class.

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