As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Casting (UPDATED)

These are all the different people i have considered for the role's of the jock, geek and girl.

This two are the two people i have considered for the part of the leading role of the geek.
  When people think of geeks they think of ugly, glasses, sits at home all day, very clever. My character is meant to be like that but instead he is meant to be quite good looking, and is very outgoing. Both these possible candidates for the part suit what i am looking for. I ended up picking the actor at the bottom for a few reasons.
  • I could use his house for filming which was helpful.
  • He was free during the time put aside for shooting.
  • He fitted what i wanted.

These are the three actors that i considered using for lead female part, This girl is playing the part of the most popular girl in school. so she needs to be good looking, All three of them fit this, so the reasons which caused me to choose the candidate on the right is pretty much the same as the reasons why i selected.
She was available to film, had a bedroom and house that i could film in, and fitted the stereotype.

These are the 3 people i have considered for the role of the jock, i want someone who is quite big, looks strong and generally fits the stereotype for a jock.
All three of these share some of these conventions but mainly the candidate in the middle. He also available on the dates i am filming, and also he has a car which i think i am going to use in my opening.

Also all three of the actors i have selected all have acting experience except the geek, which is a great help when it comes to the shooting. Though i will have to wait till i start shooting to see how well the geek is good at acting.

For my reshoot's i stumbled across a problem, the actor for my jock character has moved away to go to university so i have come up with 2 solutions.

1. I posted a note in my schools newsletter asking for actors for a audition but unfortunatly no one contacted me so in the end i have got a back up actor.

2. In a change of plot line i may not have to use a 3rd character.


As a last minute change of plan i have filmed the ending with another jock character.

I ended up getting my friend Nick Smith to help me, he doesn't really fit the jock stereotype but as it was a very last minute choice, it was too late to find and hire a character who fits the part.

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