As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Sunday 14 March 2010

Revised Narrative Outline (UPDATED)

The film will start with two production titles. During this a alarm clock will be going off.
The opening will be a series of clips focusing on Edwin and Anna both getting ready for school. The takes will flick between the two characters to make the audience believe that they are in a relationship, An example of a film which focuses on more then one protagonist is Four weddings and a funeral (1994), this is where all the characters are shown at the start waking up and getting ready.     She will then step out of her house, at the same time Edwin will also step out of his house next door. and he will walk down and see her. On the road will be Anna's boyfriend in a car. She will she him and smile and wave at him. Edwin will then mistaken this for being for him, he will then make a fool of himself. Anna will get into the car and drive off. The opening will finish on a shot of Edwin looking upset. (I am considering changing the ending)

They are two protagonists , Edwin and Anna

REVISED REVISED narrative outline

After some onset problems and general problems i have changed the ending and in my eyes for the better.

Now the ending is based in school, next to some lockers. the boy is putting his books in his locker and the girl comes along, she then sees her boyfriend and she says hello. Like my first idea he mistakes this for being for him and he says hello. The jock pushes him back into the lockers and the boy falls down.
As the girl and jock walk away she looks back at him and the jock says "who are you looking at?" No one replies the girl.


After decided to re shoot the whole opening i have changed the idea.

        The start will stay the same with the shots changing back and forth between the geek and the girl getting ready for school. They will then be a few extra shots after this.
The first of the boy running for the bus and dropping his bus pass revealing a title.
The second will be of the girl getting a text which will be a title.

The main new addition is the school scenes, because i don't know how well the idea will work in film i am going to film 3 different variations.

  1. The original idea where the boy believes the girl is talking to him but she isn't and then the geek gets knocked into some lockers.
  2. A more cheesy idea where the boy and girl meet at their lockers and the girl starts talking to the boy. From the boys point of view the girl is asking him if he wants to do something but it will cut back to the girl who is puzzled because she has just asked him if she can borrow some of his work. Will end with the boy sliding down some lockers.
  3. The last idea will be the boy and girl walking around the corner and bumping into each other, with them knocking all their books to the ground. This will lead to awkward conversations and will also end with the boy sliding to the floor.

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