As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Rough cut 3 + Feedback

This is my third rough cut,
They are a few changes from the second rough cut,
  • I have added the end scene
  • I have added my second logo
I am looking for feedback mainly on the ending scene, and on the part where it slows down.

This is some feedback i got from facebook.
This is the feedback i gained in class

  • Sort out the movement of the geek while the speach bubble is coming up.
  • Use slow motion on the girl to give the idea that the geek is dreaming about her
  • remove the jock walking up to the geek, so that once the boy has said hi it quickly cuts to the jock pushing the boy.
  • Improve the FRAMING!
  • Instead of the boy sliding down due to being hit, have him slide down because he was embarrsed
  • Zoom in on the final title.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Rough cut 2 + audience feedback

This is the second cut, the difference from the first cut to this, is the placements of clips and how i have made them lead into each other.

Here it is

This is the feedback

The feedback its self isn't very helpful but i picked up on a few points,

  • I need to work on the titles more
  • Need to add the end scene
  • Its quite good so far
  • Song is a good choice
Mainly the feedback i have got is the same as what i have had in the past.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Film Title

Naming my film was one of the more tricky creative processes for my movie.

  I looked through other examples of movies names that contain similar plot lines as mine but thier film name is usually relating to the second sub plot of the movie.
E.g. Youth in revolt is referencing to the male leading character revolting.

I then look at other general rom com names and they are very varied, they are examples where its just the name of the male character Napoleon Dynamite.  And a lot of rom com film names are referencing to what the films about. The break up is a example of this.

Me and a friend brainstormed a few names.

  • The equation of love < the idea came from the idea of the geek trying to think of the perfect equation of finding love. I ditched this idea because i personally found it really chessy and bad.
  • I just want to be friends < I thought this was a good idea as it suits the whole teenage romance idea, though it basically is saying that the geek and girl are friends. but in my film i want her to not even know who he is.

I finally came up with the idea i am using, Not a chance, It is basically a reference to the fact that the geek doesnt believe he has a chance in hell with the girl he likes. I did a quick search on IMDB to see if they was a film with the same name. The results of the search brought up no match.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Rough cut 1 + Audience feedback

This is the first rough cut of my media coursework. It is missing the end shots and is using the same that i am going to re record.

This is the feedback. I filmed a class of year 13 students giving me feedback on different aspects of my rough cut.

I made a podcast with 2 other people (Mike cas and joel colborne) about my feedback and what i am going to do.

Re-shoot Production post


23rd April

Edwin's house

I needed to re-shoot one shot which  includes a title on a piece of paper, i had to re-shoot it because personally i thought it didn't look very good. The shoot itself went okay as i had plenty of time to do a few shots, originally i thought i would have to re-shoot a lot of shots because the actor had a hair cut but in the end i didn't because it his hair didn't look too different.
   I also took a shot that isn't a re-shoot because i thought i may use it but i didn't, it was a shot of the geek turning on the TV, it was a possible title idea.

Edwin Reshoot

29th April


This re-shoot was very stressful and annoying and i didn't want to do it but i did. Due to the framing on my first locker shoot. I had to kick lots of people out of the sixth form common room which didn't make me very popular. the filming itself was hard because i kept having to tell people who kept walking in to shut up. Once the filming was complete i was happy.

Locker Reshoot

This is the locker reshoot shots put together. 

Sunday 18 April 2010

Distributor / Budget / Exhibition and casting and crew

My first ideas for the production company and distribution company were Limited edition productions and Rewind pictures distribution. A search on didn't bring up any companies with those names so i was free to go ahead.  The results for rewind pictures  and limited edition productions. I choose limited edition because i like the idea that my film company was very limited as it would only be around for a little while. The rewind pictures distribution i thought was good because it links in with the whole rewinding a tape or video idea.
       If my film made it into the market i would most likely use such distribution companies as United international pictures as this is a great company for distributing around europe and asia Paramount to get around the UK and USA.
      One way of distribution that i am going to use with my film is with different types of mass medias, this being Facebook and youtube. by using these websites i can show trailers and behind the scenes footage including podcasts and vodcasts to the masses to get them excited for my film. I made a youtube channel,

I am uploading all the different video that are too do with my film, i have recieved a fair few play counts in the small time i have had my videos up as well as some pleasing comments. Another use of mass media is facebook where i am embedding my videos from youtube to show people on thier, the views all transfer onto youtube. Lastly Blogger, blogger is used to gain hype about my film.

       The budget of my movie was around 10pounds. This covered the cost of a DV tape, and traveling costs to the locations. I didn't have to pay for any of the props or access of the locations as i had it all to begin with or created it with no costs. If i made my movie into a feature length movie i can imagine it only costing a hundred pounds or so, this is because its set around a high school with teenage actors who are just acting for the fun of it. So i won't need to create my own sets or locations. Also my film doesnt invole hugh explosions or special effects that cost alot. I didn't even use a well known cast which isn't the norm for a rom com.
   This is a very small budget for a indie rom com, As french indie rom com Amelie 2001 had a budget off 11,400,000 million euros. Which is a lot while another indie rom com Paper Heart 2009 had a budget of $220,000


My opening is going to be exhibited using a few programs and methods, the main one being on Dvd, by burning my opening onto a dvd while putting on a dvd menu as well it will be exhibited by this.
As well as by Facebook, Youtube and blogger.

Casting and crew

Edwin - Edwin heavisides
Anna - Anna Kadja
Jock - Alex Moreman

Director - callum moreman
Assistant director - Jonny Bailey (helped me with some filming
Music - James Moreman + Catherine whitehead


    The titles are one of the main point of my movie opening (hence why i thought they deserved thier own post).  As i can be as creative as i like.
    They are two types of titles i can use, diegetic and non diegetic. Diegetic is when the title is in the movie for instance scribbled on a piece of paper that flys past the camera. Non diegetic is when it is the title is edited into the movie.
    I want to include as many diegetic titles in my movie because they suit rom coms and it makes my opening more intresting.
I wrote a list of different things i could use to put a title on (some of these suggestions are not mine as i asked for ideas).
Pillow/ On a bed/ Window/ Alarm clock screen/ Phone/ Laptop/ Mirror/ Shampoo products/ cerial box/ fridge/ wall/ car/ clouds/ pavements/ sign post/ floor/ clothes/ poster in room/ speech bubbles (Edited on)/ bed/ in fridge/ tv/ cupboard/ dog?/ Something knocked over/ washing machine/ steamed up window/ computer screen.

I also found a website that gave me some very good ideas for my titles, the website is called The Art of the Title

I found this film opening that is also a rom com which gave me many ideas. Its from the film Napoleon Dynamite 2004

So far these are the ideas for my titles

On characters teeshirt - directed by callum moreman
On a found piece of paper - produced by jacob bollen
On fridge - written by joel lingard
Ipod - Staring edwin heavisides
Bus card- and Anna kadja.
Film name - Though bubble

I did some film footage testing to see how well a camera would pick up small text.

As you can see it works very well

These are my final titles put together with a little commentry


Imovie 06 is the program i am using to edit my footage to create my film opening, though i have talked about it in a previous post i am going to go into greater detail now.

 This is Imovies layout, on the right is a box where you can click and drag and drop video clips. you then cut and trim these and place them in a order on the bottom of the screen. You can then use the 5 tabs that are also on the right of the screen. these give you the options of adding music/ titles/ sound/ chapters and other options to enhance your movie. Once you have fnished editing together your music you can publish the movie.

Using Imovie hasn't been to hard to get the hand off as i have had a lot of practise using windows movie maker that is quite similar, and in my opinion is harder.

Strengths - Simple to use and get a grip with, Easy to understand layout.
Weaknesses - Lacks some functions, if they is too much happening it quite often crashes.

The Equipment and software

During this coursework task we use a variety of pieces of equipment and software.


Canon MV920 Digital camcorder. - Widescreen Video Capture - 800 Kpix - optical zoom: 25 x - Mini DV - microphone and for playback it has a headphone jack- It has a lithium ion rechargeable battery charged with a power adaptor.
has many features (talked about in a previous post) 
This piece of equipment gave me the oppurtunity to film my film opening, by using the dv tapes and the many functions on the camera i could film all my different shots and use the camera to get a big degree of variation.

DV tapes - These tapes are used with the camera above.
The DV tapes also gave me the chance to store the footage i took with the camera, this tape let me store 60minutes worth of footage and then swap the tape from camera to camera and keep my work together.

Tripods - We have tripods to use that help with the filming.
The tripods aided me with my filming, it helped to keep my opening professional and kept my camera shots steady. Without it all my shots would of been very shaky and in the final cut would of looks quite bad.

Imovie06 was used to edit footage that we had filmed. It gave us the option to cut up clips, and put them together, add music and titles and transations and other effects. 
It is a pretty easy to use peice of software that has all the fuctions needed for my task.
(for more information look at my post on Imovie) - This internet site is used to upload and showcast my work.
Blogger gave me the oppurtunity to smartly upload all my work, while adding links/pictures/ video clips.
Blogger has given me lots of options to improve my work with the ability to insert links, edit my posts by changing fonts/colours and font sizes. Aswell as adding photos from my folders or from the internet. and  - Both these websites are used to upload and post my files and works.
 Both these websites give me the oppurtunity to upload my files and audio files and them embed them onto my blog, this means that i can show my work on my blog without turning it all into either movie files or jpeg files.


Intertextual Links

This is just a brief post on what intertextual links are and how i have used them in film opening,

Intertextual links are links in narrative to other narratives. Quentin Tarantino movies usually have a lot of intertextuality. As he was influenced by old spaghetti westerns and kung fu movies.

Romantic Comedies don't usually contaim intertexual links, but in mine i have included one.

In the bedroom of the girl character they are romantic comedy novals scattered around and rom com dvds.
Also in one of the shot a canvas print of Audry hepburn is in the background. This is a link to Breakfast at tiffany's (1961

This is the shot i took, the framing clearly shows the canvas print in the background.