As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Re-shoot Production post


23rd April

Edwin's house

I needed to re-shoot one shot which  includes a title on a piece of paper, i had to re-shoot it because personally i thought it didn't look very good. The shoot itself went okay as i had plenty of time to do a few shots, originally i thought i would have to re-shoot a lot of shots because the actor had a hair cut but in the end i didn't because it his hair didn't look too different.
   I also took a shot that isn't a re-shoot because i thought i may use it but i didn't, it was a shot of the geek turning on the TV, it was a possible title idea.

Edwin Reshoot

29th April


This re-shoot was very stressful and annoying and i didn't want to do it but i did. Due to the framing on my first locker shoot. I had to kick lots of people out of the sixth form common room which didn't make me very popular. the filming itself was hard because i kept having to tell people who kept walking in to shut up. Once the filming was complete i was happy.

Locker Reshoot

This is the locker reshoot shots put together. 

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