As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Final Cut (UPDATED)

This is my final cut of my winter submission of Not a Chance
Enjoy :)

Thursday 16 December 2010

New Soundtrack (UPDATED)

As part of my feedback i was told that it could be a good idea to add a second soundtrack to my opening.
I decided to do some audience tests which in the end told me that my core audience don't really want another soundtrack but i still thought I'd try and see if i could find any premade tracks that could fit with my film.

I looked on Freeplay Music. Free play music is a website where you can buy or get pre made tracks from all across the genres which are copy right free.

On a search menu i filled in the following options.

i want the feeling of the song to be cinematic, with it being easy listening, acoustic guitars and piano instruments with a medium tempo (because my other soundtrack was medium tempo)

I found this song, though it doesn't fit my search very well and the title suggests themes that are not in my opening i believe it could possibly be added to my opening

and below is the track uploaded via Divshare.

This is another song i found.

This track is quite short and I'm not too sure if it will work but they is the use of violins in this and i think it may work with the hair flicking around part.

Once again the track has been uploaded to Divshare

In the end i added the song Home cooking, it starts the first time you see the girl in the school.

Audience Tests (UPDATED)

Twice during the project i have showed my target audience (16-25's) my rough cuts and tested them to see if they noticed anything or what they thought on a specific part of the rough cut.
I have run these tests through Youtube because it is the best way to distribute my rough cut through a large amount of the target audience.

The first test i did was to see if the audience noticed any continuity in the lighting outside in my film. The problem is that when i filmed, because i filmed around 4 i filmed shots in daytime and some in nighttime and i wasn't too sure if my audience noticed this.

I posted this video on youtube and asked my friends afterwards to comment on if they noticed any changes in lighting.

This was the response

My second test was to see what i should do with my soundtrack.
I had feedback telling me to add a second soundtrack in for the second half of the video but someone told me that the current soundtrack was very good so i decided to ask my target audience what they thought.

This is the video i showed and below is a screenshot of the responce.

IMovie Timeline (UPDATED)

This is just a quick post explaining my film opening from the timeline view on IMovie.

This is the timeline.

They are three parts to it.

  1. The top part of the timeline shows all the different clips that i have arranged into the timeline, when i clip play all these clips are played in order of them on the timeline.
  2. The second line is where my sound clips of talking and sound effects such as the shower and alarm are.
  3. The bottom line is where my soundtrack is.

Rough Cut 4 with Feedback (UPDATED)

My fourth rough cut for my film Not a Chance, they is feedback below the video. The feedback was given in a screening on my rough cut in front of 8 other media studies, Unfortunatly i wasn't able to record the screening so instead i have just typed up the feedback.

  • A few cases where shots can STILL be cut down, such as when boy closes door, during shower part etc. You need to cut out 15seconds of footage.
  • Make the slow motion part stand out more with a change in brightness.
  • Make edwin slide down the locker in slow motion
  • Change the outside title part around to make more intresting
  • Check out continuity on the headphones (checked and was none)
  • Staring is spelt Starring (can't change this now)

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Rough Cut 3 with Feedback (UPDATED)

This is my 3rd rough cut.
From here i only intend on making small changes such as cutting shots and adding already filmed shots due to time constraints.

The feedback i got from this, i've collected from a few new medias,
1. Youtube - I uploaded the video on there and gained a few comments.
2. Facebook - i embedded it from youtube and got a few comments on the post as well as through a online chat service provided by Facebook.

I have screenshotted the comments below as well as copied and pasted a conversation i had regarding feedback.

The Purple are my comments and the Blue is the person who gave me feedback
keep the shower noise going
the bit where im whipping my hair- you cant tell that its a dream
just looks like im randomly doing it
maybe like lighten the settings or sorta change the frame its in (not sure if you can do it) like maybe fade some of the edges out
umm you'd best ask a media student cos im not v good at it

Yeah, if i fade in or out it may work better
you're doing better then everyone else at the moment

like make it more obvious that it's not actually happening
and it goes a bit fast into normal so i got a bit like whuuut
i like the switches between me and edwin better in this one
looks more flowing
and at the end you cant really hear nick but idk if you can do anything

yeahh the ending a bit wierd, im gunna fiddle about with that

its mroe flowing on this one. but i like the edwin staying still and those things suddenly popping up
it doesnt look as good on this one :s

yeahh i know what you mean

the alarms louder at the beginning then fades down
is it meant to do that?

No, its because the alarm was playing on the title from the last one, i just need it to match to the current alarm

aahh right :):)
yeah maybe make the sound a little less crackly? cos you can tell when the scene changes with sound sometimes

Yeahh thats something i can't change very well, its due to the cameraa

oh well. crack it in the evaluation
you know the idea of music is like it's being played in the film?
should it stop when the ipod goes? but it still sounds good through the vid :):)

i liked at first the idea of it being on the ipods but i didnt like the shots and didnt think it worked too well, a problem though now is that the song is too short for the film

oh noes. maybe then fade it out after the hair whip. could be seen as like the music stops when edwin snaps back into reality??
or can you edit like part of the guitar into the end?

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Evidence of drafting "Titles" (UPDATED)

One issue that arose during the filming and editing process was how to use titles in my opening. I wanted titles to be the main focus point in the video. I started off with a idea of having 6 titles in my film with original ideas.

  1. Directed By Callum Moreman - On the back of a tee shirt
  2. Edited by Jacob Bollen - On a scrunched up piece of paper
  3. Music By Cat & James - Fridge magnets
  4. Staring Edwin Heavisides - On Ipod
  5. and Anna Kadja - Bus Pass
  6. Not a Chance - Speech bubble made out of paper.
Unfortunately i didn't first off film these and only stuck with the tee shirt idea and the speech bubble idea because i didn't have much time but in the end i re shot the scenes with my original ideas and it looked a hundred times better. I put together a video showing the titles at the start of my opening compared with them before i changed them.

Rough cut 2 & 2.5 with feedback (UPDATED)

This rough cut is only of the opening of my opening. It is my first test of my recorded soundtrack with the starting footage. It is missing a few shots which i am going to change of the titles.

  • Change the titles , use your original ideas.
  • Cut a few of the shots down to shorten the opening as well as make it flow better.
I re shot the title shots and added them in, and decided to upload it to you-tube for some feedback.

  • The titles are much much better.
  • You can still cut the edit down a little bit more to make it flow better.

Monday 13 December 2010

Additional Shots: Edwin's House draft (UPDATED)

Due to some feedback on my rough cuts i am going to be shooting additional shots.
Instead of adding the storyboard, production notes & Call sheet to my old posts i am going to group them all in here.

The shoot consisted of 4 shots that i shot a little differently then i did previously. The information on these shots can be found on the embedded pages below.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Trailer (UPDATED)

This is more to added to my Not a Chance promotional blog but i think i should add it here aswell.
I created a Not a Chance trailer, its between 30 seconds and a minute.
Its not very well put together as i made it in quite a short amount of time. I used footage from my recent rough cut as well as added some titles so it looked like a real media product.

Here it is below.

Friday 10 December 2010

Vodcast - Equipment (UPDATED)

This vodcast is me going over the different pieces of equipment i used during this course.
All the information is in the video.

The video itself, was filmed using the record from webcam function on IMovie and i used annotations on You-Tube.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Rough Cut 1 with two endings (UPDATED)

For my first rough cut i have not included my soundtrack, a few select shots and certain sounds.
Aswell as creating two different endings because i couldn't decided which of the versions i liked better.

Rough cut 1 with ending without the jock character.

Feedback below,

Rough cut 2 with the jock character.

Feedback below

Overall feedback

  • Merge both of the ending together.
  • Get rid of the shots right at the start of the mise en scene.
  • The original was much better then the recent rough cut.
  • Get rid of the shot of edwin picking up his shoe from dog basket.
  • Cut the shot of Hepburn at the start.
  • Change the title on the fridge.
  • Make the dream state more "dreamy".

Production: Log - Final Podcast (UPDATED)

Due to a technical fault towards the end of project the HD flip camera i was using to upload the footage which i had taken to produce a day to day diary log of my production had broken. So instead i recorded a final podcast today of me briefing recalling on what has happened during the production.

Production: Schedule (UPDATED)

During my production i have also produced some production schedules, i used them to organize which days i was filming and list the location and props needing.

This sheet is very similar to the content you would find in a call sheet but i created them as a different document then my call sheet just to keep things simple. I have also detailed on them the reasons behind not filming on dates i had previously planned to film on.

PS- Week Starting 22nd November

Production: Production Notes UPDATED

Another document i produced during the course of this project are production notes, these notes detail the different shots i intend of filming at locations and the props, location within location and other information. I produced notes for the shoot at Edwin and Anna's house and for the Jock shoot at school. (The jock shoot notes can be found here (Look at the bottom of the post))

Edwin Production Notes

Anna Prodction Notes

Production: Storyboards (UPDATED)

"Storyboards are graphic organizers such as a series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence," Quoted from Wiki page Storyboards.

I have created storyboards for my resubmission.

(They isn't a storyboard for one of the 2 endings as i have embedded it in a previous post so look here)

SB - Part 1

SB- Part 2

SB - Part 3

Storyboard for Ending of the Opening (One of the two ideas)

SB - Opening Ending

Production: Call Sheets (UPDATED)

During the production of my resubmission, i have had to re film my film.
And to make this a lot easier for myself and to speed up the process i have used call sheets and shot lists.

A call sheet is used as a organisation device to keep a production organized. For a full on production for a feature length film a call sheet could contain information such as nearest hospital or resturants and phone numbers of all the top crew and cast.

Below is a example call sheet i found on google.

My call sheet is very very simple and you could call it more of a shot list. As all my call sheet contains is the name of the location and the shots i intend to film thier aswell as the name of the cast thier.
I have created one for each of the 3 big shoots i had.

Call Sheet - Locker Scene

Anna's house Call Sheet


Winter Submission Revised Idea & Podcast (UPDATED)

I have scanned in page on which i wrote my revised idea for my winter submission, it is subject to change during the filming and editing process.

Quite often i have come up with more then one idea for a certain section and with the ending i have gone with idea 2 & 3. If you want to know more about my original idea, have a look at my blog post.

Revised Idea p.1

Revised Idea p.2

Revised Idea p.3

I have also recorded a podcast detailing the changes from my first submission to my second. I created the podcast as a video and uploaded it to YouTube so i could add annotations.

Shot by shot breakdown of Not a Chance (UPDATED)

I have broken down my first final cut of my film Not a Chance which i created in the summer 2010.

I discuss different parts of my opening from the soundtrack to titles to what i am trying to signify.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Promotional Blog's (UPDATED)

Often with a film release they will be behind the scenes promotional information. In our current post modern society the most common form of this could be a promotional blog.
This way fans who want to find out more about the film can, the blogs can contain photos, videos and usually a documentation of the production of the film.

Peter Jackson's  Latest Epic The Hobbit (2012) has its own blog..

The blog is probably written by a member of the production team and the blog tracks the development of the film, with video clips and images uploaded onto the blog such as pictures of them building the set for the film.

I decided to create a blog for my own film. I decided to make the blog appeal to a my target audience so its not a very professional blog and its very very informal.  (Still adding parts to it)

In it i have uploaded some of my videos and production work so that any viewer can found out more about my film, as well as track my day to day work on the film.
I have also included some tools that make my blog feel more like a real media example, such as a gadget where the viewers can vote on who i should star as one of my characters. (disclaimer: these actors are just examples)

As well as producing a blog for the film i have created a blog for my production company "Limited Edition"

On this blog i have written posts on different videos i have produced in the last year as well as created a bio for the company.