As this is a resubmission, all posts dated before October 2010 refer to the original submission. Substantial additional research and re-filming has been done since then!
All post titles finishing with UPDATED have been updated as well as the last 6 posts which is the evaluation

Thursday 16 December 2010

New Soundtrack (UPDATED)

As part of my feedback i was told that it could be a good idea to add a second soundtrack to my opening.
I decided to do some audience tests which in the end told me that my core audience don't really want another soundtrack but i still thought I'd try and see if i could find any premade tracks that could fit with my film.

I looked on Freeplay Music. Free play music is a website where you can buy or get pre made tracks from all across the genres which are copy right free.

On a search menu i filled in the following options.

i want the feeling of the song to be cinematic, with it being easy listening, acoustic guitars and piano instruments with a medium tempo (because my other soundtrack was medium tempo)

I found this song, though it doesn't fit my search very well and the title suggests themes that are not in my opening i believe it could possibly be added to my opening

and below is the track uploaded via Divshare.

This is another song i found.

This track is quite short and I'm not too sure if it will work but they is the use of violins in this and i think it may work with the hair flicking around part.

Once again the track has been uploaded to Divshare

In the end i added the song Home cooking, it starts the first time you see the girl in the school.

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